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Player Evaluations

Frequently Asked Questions

**How do I register?

We moved to a new registration system at the start of the 2022 season. All users will need to create an account before they will be able to register. Returning players will need to log in to register.

**What equipment will my player need?

Players will receive a hat and jersey with their registration fee.

Parents will need to supply players with pants, socks, belt, athletic cup, baseball glove and batting helmet.

The league does have a limited number of batting helmets available for players to check out during the season. Additionally, each team is supplied with a team baseball bat and catcher's gear. Players may supply their own bat and catcher's gear if they would like but it is not required.

Please note, bike helmets and other non-approved helmets are not permitted. Players must use a baseball or softball helmet.

How much will it cost for my child to play baseball?

Please refer to the pricing chart below. Prices are based on age.


Division/Age Group

Early Bird Pricing

Regular Pricing

Late Registration**

T-ball: Age 4-6

$50 $50 $65

Coach Pitch: Age 6-7




Advanced Coach Pitch: 6-8

$75 $85 $100

Minors: Age 8-10

$100 $110 $125

Majors: Age 11-12

$105 $115 $130

Juniors: Age 13-14


$125 $140

Seniors: Age 15-16




*These Fees are based on if you choose to OPT-IN for selling candy.

** Late Registration is only open if openings are still available. 

Fundraising (Spring Season Only)

Registration fees alone do not cover the cost of running the program. Little League requires all leagues to fundraise locally to cover remaining program costs. In order to keep program costs low fundraising is required for each player who participates in the Spring season. Players may "Opt In" or "Opt Out" of fundraising. The league incurs a cost for each fundraising kit ordered and therefore those who "Opt In" will be required to purchase their fundraising kit @ the time of registration.

If you choose to OPT IN for fundraising $60 will be added to your registration at the time of checkout. You will receive a box of candy and each candy bar will be sold for $1 to recoup the cost. Since you are purchasing the box of candy with your registration when you sell each candy bar you keep (recoup) the money invested. 

If you choose to OPT OUT of fundraising $45 will be added to your registration at the time of checkout. You will NOT receive a box of candy to sell.

Candy Fundraising and/or Opt Out fees are non-refundable.


My child's birthday is in the middle of the season. Should they play in the older age bracket or the younger age bracket?

Little League International makes this easy. Simply CLICK HERE to determine your child's Little League Age. This is the age we use when determining where your child should play. Players must register for the division in which they are age qualified for. 

My child is not ready to move up to the Minors or the Majors or the Juniors. Can he/she stay in a lower division?

Players should play in the division most appropriate for their age based on the Little League age chart. All players (except T-Ball) are evaluated at Player Evaluations and teams are then equally drafted to ensure like competitiveness across each division. 

What is the difference between Coach Pitch and Advanced Coach Pitch?

Coach Pitch is intended for players who are between the ages of 5-6 years old. In this division, the Coach will pitch 5 balls to the player. If they cannot hit the ball, it will then be placed on a tee. 

Advanced Coach Pitch is intended for players who are 6-8 years old. Prior experience is not necessary. In this division, the Coach will pitch every other inning. The players will pitch the opposite inning.  Players who are league age 7 or 8 years old should register for this division. It is intended to develop players for our player pitch division which starts at 8/9 years old. 

My child is an excellent athlete and should be moved up a division. Is that allowed? 

Divisions are based on player age and not skillset. Allowing your child to be the leader on a younger team builds self-esteem while being the little kid on an older team can rattle confidence. Players should play in the division most appropriate for their age based on the Little League age chart. All players (except T-Ball) are evaluated at Player Evaluations and teams are then equally drafted to ensure like competitiveness across each division. 

My child really wants to play on the same team with a friend. Can you arrange to make that happen?

Spring season: Little League requires each chartered league to conduct Player Evaluations and a Draft for Spring season. This ensures teams are equally competitive and offers an overall better playing experience for players. For this reason, we do not accept team requests for coaches or other players for Spring season. Siblings who are age eligible for the same division are automatically placed on the same team unless the parent specifically requests separate placement. We are unable to accommodate requests for carpool and/or specific practice days. If siblings do not share the same last name it is the parent's responsibility to Email the league to ensure siblings are placed on the same team. The registration system does not automatically flag siblings. Please send an email to [email protected] if you have sibling players with different last names. 

T-Ball Exception: T-Ball is the only division where player requests may be considered. All requests for team placement for T-Ball must be submitted by March 1st 2025 to be considered. Submitting a request does not guarantee placement as there are several factors that go into forming teams. Players who register after March 1st will be placed on the next available team.  

 Can I coach my child’s team?

We are always looking for coaching volunteers. We are fortunate to have a number of returning coaches each year. However, many of our coaches got their current coaching position by helping around the dugout or as an Assistant Coach. If you are interested in Coaching a team please register as a volunteer by clicking "Registration Info" and then "Volunteer Opportunities".  All volunteers are required to complete a background check prior to working with children in any capacity. Volunteers are also required to sign a Coaches Code of Conduct as well as complete the required Little League training courses online and our Coaches Safety/Training Meeting(s).

What is the difference between Coach Pitch and Advanced Coach Pitch?

In the Advanced Coach Pitch division our coaches pitch during the 1st, 3rd and 5th inning. Our players pitch in the 2nd, 4th and 6th innings. The purpose of the Advanced Coach Pitch division is to encourage development of the game in order to close the gap from Coach Pitch to Minors (Kid Pitch). Players who have participated in Advanced Coach Pitch have all made great strides in development.  In this division we also utilize catchers, keep track of balls, strikes and outs and have umpires for every game. Our coaches for this division come with a wealth of knowledge and experience. 

Did Little League change the boundary rule? Can I play for Ypsi-Arbor American Little League if I live in another leagues boundary?

Maybe! Little League did change the boundary rule for the 2025 season. Additionally, there are circumstances where player's may be eligible to play for our league.

If your player is League Age (4-7) and outside of YALL boundaries: Starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the Little League® Baseball and Softball program (League Age 4-7) will have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register under this option will also be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.

If your player is any age...and you live outside of a Little League boundary:  If you do not attend school or live inside another Little League's boundary (example, you live in Saline, Michigan) you may E-mail us to inquire about a waiver for your child to play with us. The waiver applies to regular season only for the first year. The second year, we may apply for an additional waiver to include tournament play.

If your home league does not offer the division you are trying to register for or if the league is no longer accepting registrations: If your league is unable to accommodate your registration. We can apply for a waiver to allow your player to play with YALL. The waiver is good for regular season only.

How do I know if I am within Ypsi-Arbor American Little League's borders?

If at least one parent lives within our boundaries OR your child's school is within our boundaries, you can play with Ypsi-Arbor American Little League. 

Go to the Boundary Map page and locate yourself on the map.

We live inside the boundary of another Little League but my child still wants to play for YALL. Can He/She?

For Fall Ball:  YES! If your league is not offering Fall Ball you are welcome to play with us in the Fall.

For Spring: If your child attends a school within our boundaries, then YES, you may play for YALL.

If you do not live within our boundaries or your child does not attend a school within our boundaries, then NO. Little league insurance will not cover any injuries suffered by children from outside of our boundary. If you aren't in any surrounding Little League Boundaries, there is a waiver we can submit to Little League International. Please contact our Player Agent for more questions and/or more information. Additionally, if your local league does not offer a specific program we can request a waiver (example: Softball, Senior division baseball, etc).

If you inadvertently register with YALL and you live outside of our boundary, we will refund your money.


My child does not live within any official Little League boundary. Isn't there something you can do?

Yes, we can petition Little League International to allow your child to play. Please reach out to us and we will be happy to assist.


Do you have any openings for umpires? 

We are always looking for umpires. Please visit our “Umpire Resources” page for more information on umpiring.

What is the date range of the season? 

Spring Season:  Practices start mid-April with games beginning @ the end of April . Games will run through June mid June.

All Star Season: Players who are selected for the All Star team will play throughout the summer and sometimes into Fall.

Fall Ball:  Practices start mid-August with games on Saturdays beginning the weekend after Labor Day concluding the last Saturday in October.

Where are practices and games held?

Each volunteer Head Coach sets their team practice day/time and location so the league cannot accommodate requests for specific practice days/times or locations.  Coaches are given the option and available time slots to practice on our home fields in Ypsilanti (Recreation Park, Waterworks Park and Candy Cane Park). Additionally, many fields in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti area are on our league Safety Plan/insurance and often Coaches will opt to practice on one of those fields.

Game locations are based on division and which other leagues we play for those divisions. Home Games are held at our home fields in Ypsilanti (Recreation Park, Candy Cane Park and Waterworks Park). Away games may be held at Dexter Little League, Milan, Lincoln Little League, Ypsilanti National Little League, Van Buren Little League or Chelsea. Junior Baseball and Softball may also play games against Plymouth Canton Little League.

How often are practices? What are usual practice times?

Spring Season:

·         Coaches typically hold practice twice a week (with the exception of T-Ball and Coach Pitch which is typically once week;

·         Game Schedules generally follow the schedule below:

·         T-Ball:  Saturdays (morning or early afternoon)

·         Coach Pitch: Saturdays (and possibly one weeknight)

·         Advanced Coach Pitch: Saturdays (and possibly one weeknight)

·         Minors: Tuesday/Thursday evenings with the possibility of a few Friday or Saturday games

·         Majors: Monday/Wednesday evenings with the possibility of a few Friday or Saturday games

·         Juniors: Varies


Fall Season:

·        One practice per week on a weeknight (typically 5:30 or 6:30 PM)

·        Fall Ball games are held on Saturdays

How much travel is involved? 

Travel is minimal; most of our playing fields are in Ypsilanti. Some teams may travel to Milan, Ypsilanti National LL, Lincoln, Plymouth or Belleville. Our older divisions (Juniors) may travel to these locations and occasionally Dexter, Jackson or Livonia.

Who does the Coaching? 

Little League requires a background check on all volunteers who interact with the children. Coaches are generally parents of team members, but we also have volunteers from around the community who help as well. We are fortunate to have many experienced coaches who have coached at a variety of levels.

What are the Little League USA Baseball Bat Standards?

As of January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard will be implemented. Little League-approved baseball bats that are approved for use for the 2017 season will no longer be acceptable for use in any Little League game or activity starting on January 1, 2018. For a complete list of bats approved through the USABat Standard, visit

Does the league participant in any tournaments?

All City Tournament – City Tournament takes place the final week of the regular Little League season (Minors and Majors only). During the City Tournament your child will play on their regular assigned Spring team. Teams are ranked and compete against other similarly ranked teams (interleague and intraleague) with either single or double elimination. At the end of the tournament the highest ranked team receives the tournament trophy for their division. This tournament lasts approximately one week. 

District Tournament- The District Tournament takes place 2-3 weeks after the close of regular season (usually the first or second week of July). The District teams are completely new teams comprised of the 13 best players from each division who reside and/or attend school within the Ypsi-Arbor District. Players must meet Little League eligibility requirements for the District team and be available to play in every game the week of the tournament. Players are recommended for the District Team(s) by coaches. The YALL Board approves the final rosters.  Players selected for these teams cannot be announced prior to June 1st. If your child is selected to be on one of these teams, the coach will contact you.

I have a question not covered in this FAQ. What's the best way to contact you?

E-mail us at  [email protected] or [email protected]

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